Lady in Shadow
Story and artwork from Virginia Pennell

My art journey began over 38 years ago. I never had any formal art training. I just had coloring books as a child. I colored within the lines and just enjoyed seeing the pretty colors. I didn't pursue my art as a young person. I studied business in school and later went to work in the industry. After I married my art crept into my life again. I began to paint using oils. Again, I had no money for classes so I was just self taught.
I now had four small babies (a set of twins). There wasn't much time to paint. I did paint at night after everyone was bathed and in bed. The smell of the oils and turpentine became a big distraction in a home with babies. So I decided to switch to watercolors. I saved little by little and took a local watercolor course at the public school. I was hooked!
I loved the way the colors blended and the different shades that you were able to get through blending. Again, money was tight and I just had to teach myself. I was able to buy some watercolor books and kept at my craft and understanding of painting. Many, many failures. I painted in anything I could. It was challenging. I slowly began to understand the colors. They became real in the sense of knowing them and how they would blend.
It is now many, many year later and I'm still painting. I have a wonderful library of books and all sorts of knowledge about watercolors. The journey has allowed me to take further painting courses. Some from very skilled painters. I have moved and joined art centers made friends, painted in different states and even Europe.
The watercolor world had enriched my life beyond my wildest dreams. It has made me a more interesting person and one who "sees" our world through a different light. I see the colors of life! I have grown personally and outwardly. Painting has brought me joy, friends I would have never met and a growth beyond painting.
I submit my latest "Lady in Shadow". She is captured looking right at the camera. Light and shadow are the focus. I hope you enjoy her.
Sincerely, Ginny
Virginia Pennell
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