Watercolor Backgrounds
Story and artwork from Lidija

Hi, I'm Lidija and I use watercolors a little bit different than usual, but that was my limitation of knowing the medium. I just didn't really know it in depth. I want to learn the new skill so I would like to participate in this competition.
I was working as surface pattern designer, and watercolor is magical media for it. But I can't really say that, that was a professionally painted, and I would like to change that in the future.
I want to get more into realism, and maybe I'm wrong but I see - feel the watercolor as fast medium with a lot of freedom in contemporary twist but it is time to learn the old way of doing it, so that in the future my work could get into totally new dimension. I mean learn more, use more, that's great to do.
I would like to learn watercolor to get into the basic first like mixing color and color theory. I did experience the basic oil painting and I assume in Watercolor Academy this topic will go really deep into crafting to perfection. I'm really exited to learn new things, because this could lift my previous experiences into another level. I don't want to miss that chance at all.
The question why should peoples vote for me? The answer is simple, because I want to bring better work out of me, and I want to share that to the world, as a surface pattern designer or as an artist. I just want to make the world colorful, fun and well with sharing better work that's possible, it's like magic when you wait for color to dry. I love it.
Thanks, have nice creative day,
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