Art has always been a passion for me
Story and artwork from Jayati Sengupta

I am a doctor from India specialising in Paediatrics and Paediatric Nephrology. My family consists of my husband who is also a doctor and my son who is studying in Canada. Art has always been a passion for me but because of pressures of academics, professional commitments and family, I have never had any formal training and my wish had to be shelved. I have started painting again for the last 3 years and have realised the importance of art in my life. It has been the single most stress buster for me especially during this time. Not a day passes when I don't dabble with some artwork. Recently, I got a taste of learning art online, and found it very useful in improving my skills.
I came across Watercolor Academy and realised that courses like these would suit me, as I can incorporate it into my own busy schedule according to my time availability. But coming from developing countries, the course fees when translated to rupees is quite a big figure. So in spite of realising that the course is good, I have not subscribed, feeling a bit sceptical as to whether I will be able to do justice to the amount spent. So, I feel if I win the course it will be a win win situation for me, satisfying my wish to learn the intricacies of watercolour, that too without a financial burden. I think people should vote for me because they would realise my love for watercolour from my painting and like my work in general.
Thank you,
Jayati Sengupta
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