Arles 2015
Story and artwork from Ansgar Jensen

Hello. My name is Ansgar Jensen.
I live in Tønsberg which is the oldest town in Norway. I am an 85 year old man and a pensioner.
I am very interested in Aqarell paint, it is my big hobby.
I have painted the picture above from a photo I took in the city of Arles in Provance in the summer of 2015. Picture is from the same street (place) that Vincent van Gogh painted his famous evening picture with the starry sky. I took my photo in the opposite direction. I have Called my picture: Arles 2015.
My challenge when it comes to watercolor painting is to make my pictures as professional as possible, make sure that the pictures arouse the interest of potential buyers and art lovers.
I have two art memberships - Drawing Academy and Anatomy Master Class, which I'm very happy with. These art courses are very professional. I therefore really want to access the watercolor course, I will definitely buy it sometime. I hope that those people who are interested in realistic art will notice my image and vote for it.
Have a nice day
Regards Ansgar
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