Colors for Life
Watercolor artwork and story by Aline Mac Cord

Hello! My name is Aline Mac Cord. I am a Public Manager now living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rio is my birth city and I'm back home after almost 20 year. That's because I suffered a very serious infection which was almost fatal, and it changed my entire life. I am rebuilding myself through art now. I started painting 4 months ago, but I've always loved the arts. Now I dream of making an art career and living my true self. In every painting I try to put a little bit of me and this process of reconnecting with the world. Life and happiness are too precious! I hope you enjoy my work as much as I have enjoyed doing it.
Watercolor Academy represents an opportunity to extend and excell my art skills, as well as an opportunity to meet a community of international artists who think like me. That is very important to any artist with broader goals.
I ask you to vote for me because I am, first of all, a humble human being of a big heart and I want to share it with my art.
Thank you for the opportunity!
Aline from Brazil
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