After the rain - Watercolor by Maryam
Story and artwork from Maryam

Hey, my name is Maryam and I'm self taught artist.
I used to draw pencil portraits for more than 5 years now, I started using watercolor at the end of 2019, acrylic the year after which weren't that great. I was and still struggling to understand colors and the medium itself.
Many people around praised my drawing skills and like my paintings however I never proclaimed I am an artist. I was resisting the idea of being an artist for a long time, questioning if what I created is worth showing in public or selling , if what I have learned online is enough, if the knowledge I gained from my experiences and my attempts is worth sharing and passing on to others. I was practicing and studying a lot, doing well by my own, but still felt like I'm standing on slippery ground, Always looking for a guide.
I read " One thing I know for sure is that to be a successful artist, you must start with the simplest proclamation: I am an artist. It's a basic assertion, but seeing yourself as an artist- legitimate and genuine - can be transformational. " - Lisa Congdon
I believe there are many ways to be what you want, as I believe that the universe will provide when you ask. I came across the announcement of this competition, when I decided to give myself the permission to be an artist, to pursue my passion.
Winning the Watercolor Academy course will be a great support for me, learning the color theory and following up with and learning from three professional instructors is going to teach me a lot. I wish to join this course ASAP, and so I appreciate your support.
Wish you all the best,
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