Go teach thy self more - Watercolor artwork and story by Ezra
Story and artwork from Ezra

I'm Ez and I love art a lot, I love that aside from words, I could also express my feelings and thoughts in color, brush strokes and more. I started exploring watercolor medium this pandemic and my eagerness to learn more of it doesn't change.
It's such an interesting and very challenging medium to get to know with. It involves various techniques such as water control, brush strokes, the more I think about it, it just stresses me out. It can be very intimidating especially when you don't know what you're doing, you don't understand how others do such a technique, I can't just grasp how to master watercolor just by watching quick time lapse videos.
That's why I am so delighted to know there is also a competition for this watercolor course. I have no means to pay for the tuition, so I'm not letting an opportunity like this just pass by. Honestly, I dont know what to expect, I really don't have that much knowledge in this medium and I'm excited to see how this course will affect my watercolor skills.
I once have watched a free video from this Watercolor Academy course, and it's been super helpful, I immediately tried the technique and I'm so satisfied about the result. I can't wait to access this gold-like information further when I win this Watercolor Academy Competition.
Your vote matters a lot to me, and I really appreciate you took the time to read this and help me reach my watercolor goals.
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