It Only Takes a Taste
Story and artwork from Joceline G

Hi! I'm Jackie.
Back in kindergarten, you can see me hunching over my back to draw something. That habit somewhat brought me here today. I try my best to fill my time with art so that I can create anything I want out of my head. But like any other skills, you'd need a mentor. That's where the Watercolor Academy comes in.
Drawing's hard. It takes a lot of practice. Painting? Oh, painting's another hard thing. These two things are very complicated subjects, and I want to get through them like a hot knife through a block of butter. What IS color? Why does pairing a color with another one ends well sometimes, while it doesn't the other times? Primary colors? Secondary? Tertiary? Adjacent? Complementary? Sure, you can always look it up, but wouldn't it be nice to have a straightforward guide to lead you through the complex world of art?
Another reason why I applied for this competition is that I am unsatisfied with how my current art education in real life is teaching me. There is never enough time to cover everything. With this academy, I will definitely receive more thorough explanations, assignments and critiques that I can go at my own pace.
I believe that the Watercolor Art Academy can help me be a better artist, and I will do whatever it takes to get there. One vote from you would be more than enough for me to be grateful!
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