My Watercolor Journey
Story and artwork from Audrey Katherine

Hello my name is Audrey Katherine, I am a watercolor artist and illustrator from Indonesia. I've always been drawing since I was in elementary school. In my high school year, I found a children's book with watercolor illustrations I truly admire in my school library. Since then I made up my mind to be an illustrator and enrolled in Fine Art and Design Faculty in Bandung Institute of Technology, one of the biggest and oldest university in Indonesia. After I graduate and work as a graphic designer, I still found that longing feeling to illustrate and paint using watercolor. I continued to practice my watercolor skills by myself as a hobby. I also joined some watercolor workshops in my country.
In 2020, I started to be a full time artist. That year I trully improved a lot because I had so much time to practice and focus on being a watercolor artist. Opportunities started coming to me as I posted regularly my artworks to social media. I was asked to make artworks, to collaborate with some well known brands in Indonesia, and teach watercolor class online. Since 2021, I also open an art studio in the garage of my house for students to come and learn watercolor. I love to share my passion in watercolor, I love to show them how watercolor is a very interesting and delicate medium.
For me watercolor opens a whole new world for me. I love how watercolor helped me and shaped me into who I am today. It became a huge part of myself that I will never get tired of. It became my identity as I took my speciality in watercolor art. It's something that I want to do forever and never stop learning and creating art.
The artistic challenge I am facing right now is that the limitation of formal watercolor education in Indonesia. There is no academy or atelier I could attend in my country. I am eagerly wanting to learn and improve my skills in my watercolor painting. I need to be more educated because otherwise my progress in watercolor is very slow and not much changing.
What I want to learn in art are the history, the techniques that is used by old masters, I also want to improve my skills. I want my art to have the right foundation and getting the base techniques right so my painting will look more professional and not "amateurish".
Watercolor Academy is the right place for me to learn, because they are referring to old masters and theories that I didn't get from my university study. I also love the idea of learning watercolor online so I could get the education I need anytime and anywhere since going to a watercolor academy or atelier overseas could cost so much. I also love how watercolor academy tutors are truly professional artists. I would love to have their insights and approach in watercolor.
I want to win the Watercolor Acadmy course becaue I want to learn from the professionals, referring the old masters, and I want to have a certificate of learning. Since I am starting to teach watercolor to kids around me, I think it is important for me as the teacher to have the skills and knowledge. I also want to have a certificate to complete and to add more value about my self. I think having a certificate in learning watercolor would give a sense of accomplishment.
I wish people would vote for me because they could see my passion in watercolor and believe in me that I would follow this watercolor journey as long as I could in my life. I believe that by having Watercolor Academy Course I will be able to sharpened my skills and knowledge that I will treasure in my life. By having the course and certificate will also helped me being a trusted teacher that can help children in Indonesia to learn watercolor.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to join the competition.
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