Art for healing
Watercolor by Assel Dorofeyeva

Hello, my name is Assel. I'm a lawyer who cancelled legal career to renovate life purpose. For the first time in my life I'm truly getting to know myself and exploring life from playful perspective.
Art always attracted me. When I was a child painting was a kind of art therapy which helped me endure some difficult life situations and express feeling and stories which I couldn't tell or express in other form. This year I've started a sketchbook and finished by paintings on the wall of my house. Wallowing into the painting process has revealed that I lack a lot of skills which are necessary for my art to earn priceworthy rating even from myself. I like drawing but I've realized that in order to experience genuine enjoyment and satisfaction from the process and the result I have to learn the technique. As I don't have any education in this sphere any courses teaching basics would be valuable for me. In certain way I'm participating in this competition hoping to win being the most unqualified person in comparison to other participants whose works are admiring and absolutely wonderful.
I follow Watercolor Academy on youtube and apply lessons that are available through free videos. I find them very professional and helpful.
I want to wing this watercolor course because I believe that by developing my skills, I'd become happier and would be able to transform the happiness and satisfaction from the painting into love and joy in communication with people around me. I will do it by analyzing the psychological aspects of the way art influences a person and sharing my insights through my blog and consultations I provide.
By voting for me you are investing into the wave of gratitude and insights from the art making process that I will contribute generously to other people, including my clients, readers, family and friends.
I want to win this Competition and I need your help!
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