You can't escape art
Artwork and story by Mo Parkook

The beautiful journey of life made me in love with painting in my teenage years and as is often the case life got in the way and my passion for painting was put to one side. In 2020, after twenty-five years, I reconnected with my long-lost passion - this time around, life introduced me to the art of watercolour painting.
In watercolour painting, the pigments are like wild horses and have the power to roam freely and unrestricted when mixed with water. As you begin to master it, by observing and practising, they let you take some control. At that moment, your vision will be in harmony with the colours and painting, and you will have arrived at the magical land of art.
Art takes the most challenging, satisfying and relaxing place. My challenge with watercolor is to find the right belance between water and pigments. I want to learn verything about the art of watercolour.
I think that Watercolor Academy is a great resource to learn painting techniques and become a better atist. I want to win the Watercolor Academy course to get a chance to participate and learn everything a bout watercolor that I possibly can.
Why people should vote for you? I know I can be the best soon or later
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