How could I express my soul better
Artwork and story by Sabina Popovici

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Well, I am 51 and I started to teach myself draw and after to paint at 40 in my struggle to undertand myself after trying a lot of staffs. From the first time I was atracted especially in watercolor (it was like this medium chosed already on myself). After a few years I won second palce in the competition for Drawing Academy on this amazing platform where I've learned a lot of interesting staffs like " shading", "golden ratio", "perspective". In that time wasn't yet Watercolor Academy (I would choosed for this) so I will try now and thank you for this opportunty.
Over the years learned myself from reading books and watch many, many demos on youtube or facebook or instagram and I feel I am still struglling with color harmonies, recognizing values, color temprature (this notions are random in my mind and not settled yet) and suppose that's why it is still difficult for me to tackle landscapes.
For me painting is the best way to connect with my soul and to understand to see different than my eyes perception and I hope to find the way to paint more and to explore.
Anyway watercolor will remain the main medium I will paint and I have in my mind to tackle gouase in the future and maybe to mix them in the same painting.
Before to attend in this competition I have to say I followed many times the curriculum of the Watercolor Academy because I've seen very interesting painters in the academy (they are classics painters and this I love very much) and in fact I liked the academy tackle all necesarry subjects for a good painting and for me being a person who likes always to learn to improve myself seemed to be a fantastic way to do.
Thank you very much again let me to attend in this competition for this amazing Watercolor Academy.
Kind regards, Sabina Popovici
I want to win this Competition and I need your help!
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