Returning to my childhood passion: watercolour
Watercolour and story by Liliana

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Hi, my name is Liliana. I am a language teacher and I am about to retire.
Art was an activity I performed a lot in my childhood: drawing, painting in pastels and watercolours was encouraged a lot in the school I attended. Later my family moved to a larger city so I had to change school and unfortunately the skills I have learned were completely set aside. Later, I decided to follow a career in languages and family obligations and work made me forget all about what I really liked. Some years ago I visited the house of a famous painter here in my country and while watching his pictures, art somehow entered again in my life.
I decided to start painting but I could only contact teachers who painted in oils. Though it was not really what I liked the most, I took up lessons and developed quite good skills but watercolour was like a pending subject.
I decided to take up watercolour lessons though the teacher I contacted lived far away from my home and I had to travel a lot. At that time teaching through the internet was not very much developed so I had no alternative.
Watercolour is a very challenging and expensive medium. The fact that you cannot correct makes you plan your work carefully beforehand, that is why good skills and theory are necessary.
Watercolour has taken an important part in my life, I feel it's not too late to participate in contests and art exhibitions. I would like to improve what I've learned and through watching the free videos of Watercolor Academy I've realized I can continue learning as they provide very useful information and practice. In these videos several styles of painting are shown and everything is explained in detail so I think they would be very useful to improve my painting skills.
I am about to retire and I need your vote to win this competition. Thank you very much.
I want to win this Competition and I need your help!
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