Art is mine passion
Watercolor and story by Thomas Shain

I want to become a professional artist. I also want to bring to light my thoughts and ideas though art. My aspiration in art is to create life with colors, put my emotions and wishes. I want to achieve my best, that is why I'm very critical about my art. I loved drawing as a kid. I aspire to help others own beautiful portraits of their loved ones. Creativity and art are a passion of mine, as are my family, particularly my mother.
I have studied under an art teacher for a short time. As he's taught in art colleges in the US, for some reason he didn't warm up to the idea of instructing me as good as at colleges. Afterwards, I did not continue to pursue my artistic endeavors, and perhaps I was a bit discouraged, I'm not sure. But recently having found the Watercolor Academy, of course I signed up for a demo right away.
I do see how important brush sketching and the golden ratio fit into my work, and aspire to better understand their uses in order to do good work. I'm extremely encouraged by my progress and am happily engaged in organizing and learning how I can finally gain the insight, skills and motivation to be a portrait artist like I've always wanted to. Thanks to Watercolor Academy and the high level educational foundation provided there.
Art is a lifestyle to me, with many chapters, lots of twists and turns to work through. I know that after beginning the Watercolor Academy course, my artistic foundation will be much more stable and realistic for me to attain.
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