I dream of depicting living people
Artwork and story by Tatsyana Harb

For twenty years I worked as a pastry shop foreman and a pastry chef of the 5th category. For me, this period was very important as an opportunity to organize a festive mood on a significant day. I have seen when my cake, weighing 10 kg, decorated with roses, is rolled out in front of the wedding table – people's faces are lit up with delight. Although I have been working in another field for many years, the people of our small town remember my confectionery work with a smile.
I would like to continue not to lose the feeling of delight and celebration every day that art gives, for myself and people, only with other, not so fleeting and disappearing materials. Although I am still in demand in the engineering profession, I often need a rest for the soul and relaxation.
Painting and art give me the opportunity to comprehend and master the beauty of the boundless world, awaken and preserve the memory of humanity, allows me to travel to other epochs and countries, communicate with other generations, people (even fictional), in whose images the artist reflected not only his own ideas, but also his contemporary views, moods, feelings, they bring relief in difficult times and purification from vain thoughts.
Since early childhood, I wanted to draw, but I just didn't have the opportunity - I didn't even have simple pencils and sketchbooks. Parents and teachers at the elementary school of a small village, as I remember now, were very critical of drawing classes and devalued my drawings. After elementary school, there were no drawing and circles at school, it was necessary to help parents with the housework, and the dream "shrank" for a long time.
I dream of depicting living people, animals and birds in their movement and life. Painting opens your eyes and soul towards this wonderful world!
I think that life or fate brings very creative amazing people to the Academy of Watercolors. And these are people who are very close to me in spirit.
I would like to learn from the Watercolor Academy painting techniques of old masters and draw my loved ones, as well as friends and strangers to me.
I will accept votes for me and my drawing as acceptance of my vision of the world, my faith in the kindness of people and the beauty of the world.
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