I want to teach kids watercolor
Artwork and story by Enio Feijo

My name is ENIO FEIJO
I am 76 years old. I'm Brazilian, engineer, married and father of two "boys". I worked for more than 30 years in the automotive industry and today I dedicate myself to consulting work in the technical and business areas.
In the year 2.000, after so many technical courses, I took a drawing and painting course at a local art school. I always liked drawing and painting. I practiced charcoal, dry and oily pastel and oil on canvas. When I tried watercolor, I fell in love with the transparency, luminosity and lightness of this medium.
In 2021, I finally retired and decided to resume painting. I've been dedicating myself to watercolor almost weekly, even teaching the technique to my granddaughters Julia (5) and Luisa (3). Very pleasant.
I've been learning some watercolor methods and techniques by watching videos on Youtube, but I lack a more solid base to help my work.
I discovered the Watercolor Academy recently and I've been watching all the tutorials, artist tips that are available on the Watercolor Academy website. It has helped me to improve but not enough to make me happy with my work... if you can ever be happy with an art work.
It would be a great pleasure to be able to attend an online course at the Watercolor Academy and be able to improve myself in watercolor techniques.
I don't pretend to be a great artist, but taking a course at Watercolor Academy could help me to spread the technique where I live, mainly for kids.
Best wishes
Enio Feijo
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