Young Thompsons
Watercolor artwork and story by Nancy Brinkley

I was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisc.; attending Mt. Mary College (University) and majoring in art and business. After graduation with a degree in fine art I moved to Chicago, married and started a family. There I attended Elmhurst College and earned a degree in Education. After 20 years of teaching at the elementary level I moved on to the Jr. High where I taught art full time. One of the prime ideas I wanted to instill in my students was that art was everywhere, whether they were conscious of it or not. I would emphasize that it was the process of creating art that would bring the greatest joy and satisfaction. More education entered my life with earning an MA in Environmental Curriculum. Loving the outdoors, I felt that art fit in very well with nature.
When retirement arrived, there was a renewed excitement of exploring my own art. Color pencil, graphite and batiking had always been my favorite medias, but now I wanted to learn all the possibilities of watercolor and pastel. My subject matter came from all around me...nature, family, daily activities, traveling, gardening, hiking, and the list goes on. I even get excited in seeing an unusual 'rock' and immediately begin planning what significant image I can paint on it.
Challenges in art are always present...whether it be 'hairs on a dog' or the 'seashore's waves'. All are a challenge. It takes a lot of time to decide on the best media to use for any given subject. There is so much to learn in every piece I do.
In reading over the Watercolor Academy's components I become very excited about the schedule of subjects that it covers. I especially like the flexibility of the program and the unlimited support from the qualified staff. There are also the new techniques available, the different painting methods, some expertise with seascapes and skies, and of course, without a doubt, help with realistic portraits.
We must always continue to grow in whatever endeavor we choose to follow. The Watercolor Academy sounds like it would meet my needs in that growth. In the process of obtaining that growth, I think it is important to have experienced artists ready to critique one's work. Hopefully, with every new piece, I would be able to see that growth.
In voting for "Young Thompsons" I would hope the viewer would also experience what I saw that morning when I looked out my window and saw the sun's light coming through the Thompson's grape leaves. I grabbed my camera and ran outside to capture that special glorious light.
Nancy Brinkley
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