Dance of the sunbeams
Painting and story by Angela Kennedy

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My name is Angela Kennedy and I am elderly but still have my interests and one of them is painting. I did not discover how lovely painting was until I was about 50 odd and since then I have enjoyed many hours of painting pictures.
What I love to do mostly, is put a poem to my painting. However, perhaps I should say put a painting to my poetry. I wrote the poems many years ago in my forties and a friend put them in a book for me, so they have survived and sometimes I find a poem in this book that I would love to express in a painting. So thats what I do now.The painting with a poem I am submitting now is called `dance of the sunbeams`. Its a love poem and it was written in Spain and I can still recall the lovely twinkling lights on the sea, that have inspired my sunbeams. The poem is about love and that we have had a chance to experience this love. Maybe its a brief the sunbeams represent. The original poem is a lot longer, but I could only fit so much in on the painting.I am mainly self taught with painting and drawing, except for some life drawing locally and a weekly painting group I joined last year. I have always found painting so absorbing, it can be very relaxing. I used to make a lot of cards and this was usually done, when going on an outing with a friend, I would draw the scene on white card and after that it would be colored in, usually with soft pastils. I would give the finished card to the friend, who was pleased to have a picture of our day out. Friends have had stacks of them over the years and I`m even told | should make wallpaper from them. I did put them over a fire screen once and I thought it looked attractive. However, I have lots of cards to keep of days out, good memories to keep, but painting now and including my old poems is what I like to do.I work mainly at home and sometimes watch videos on screen to help me. I am interested to watch the ones from the national gallery now and learn more. I like the paintings and work of Van Gough, and Matisse and Gogan. I used to come to the gallery years ago on a friday to talk and draw and we would be tutored about a picture in the gallery and sketch it. Then your work would be laid out for others to see and share.I feel there is still so much to learn and would like to join the Watercolor Academy to improve my drawing and painting. Prospective is something I feel I need to learn more. I hope people will like my painting called `dance of the sunbeams` and that the poem is also joyous.
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