Owl on a cold night
Watercolour and story by Andra Popa

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Hello! Welcome to my entry and thank you for staying.
- Who am I? I am a science graduate who has loved drawing all their life, but recently discovered watercolour and has not stopped practising since. Art has always been in the background of my life, its what I did to calm down when stressed, or show feelings my mouth couldn't form words too. It was my safety net that also brought others joy.
Science is my career, art is my passion, but I believe both aspects are the yin and yang of a great painting. I hope for the opportunity to explore these further and see what I am capable of.
- Why vote for me? If I am selected, I will not waste the opportunity. This course will take time and commitment, both of which I am ready to dedicate. I have seen the knowledge and skill of the instructors at Watercolor Academy, and I greatly admire their passion for the craft. Currently I am trying to learn using whatever videos I find online, but its been challenging to find a structure and direction that takes you from beginner to advanced. I believe the Watercolor Academy courses offer this structure, and would allow me to not only depict our quirky little world in art, but also from imagination.
Its going to be a fun journey.
Thank you kindly for your time!
I want to win this Competition and I need your help!
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