New techniques and expressions in art
Artwork and story by Michaela Latan

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The discovery of new techniques and expressions in art
I am a diplomat architect, but I always wanted to be a visual artist. I like to work without thinking about established fashions or styles, trying to express the emotion I feel in front of nature.
I would like to know painting techniques in depth, so that I can use the most appropriate ones judiciously. I want to develop my creativity through art.
Watercolor Academy could give me the technical knowledge I lack to improve my artistic expression. The Watercolor Academy course can provide me with this valuable information.
I think that my works are appreciated, as can be seen from the reactions of those who see them on the Internet and would like to see to what extent my way of working would improve after taking a course at the Watercolor Academy.
I want to win this Competition and I need your help!
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